Go Internet - OFNL Outage Monday 2nd September 2024 09:59:00

We have identified a large amount of customers that have been disconnected from the OFNL Network.

We have been unable to reach OFNL for an update, and it appears that OFNL's own status page is currently unavailable.

As soon as we have some information regarding this outage, it will be posted here.

Next Update 1700

Customers have reconnected and the service has remained stable throughout the day.

We await a more detailed RFO from OFNL in due course.

In the meantime, we now consider this incident resolved.

We are now seeing a steady flow of customers reconnecting to our access concentrators - so it looks like good progress is being made.

No status updates as yet from OFNL - but we'll post when we have something.

Next update 14:00 unless resolved before.

OFNL have put this down to an issue with an external network provider - which is being worked on.

We are seeing a few small batches of customers coming back online, so it does appear that they are working through the problem.

Next update: 13:00 unless the incident is resolved before then or we have a more meaningful update.

The OFNL service status page is now alive - OFNL have acknowledged that they do have an issue affecting their entire network.

Currently there is no timeline, on this - what we do know though is that OFNL is a great network provider. They will without doubt have their best engineers working on this issue.

We'll post an update at 12:00 or before if the incident is resolved or we have a more meaningful update.

Next update; 12:00